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his is the first FloraFlex nutrient line: an easy to use two part powder formula for both the vegetative and bloom stages.

Plants need an array of elements to reach their full nutritional potential. Three of these elements (carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) are taken in through the air and water. The remaining have to come through the plant’s roots.

All of these essential elements are included in the FloraFlex nutrients. FloraFlex has designed it as a simple two part formula for both the vegetative and bloom cycles to give you the ability to improvise and control the process with the knowledge of essential element benefits.

Mixing Instructions
Veg & Bloom Foliar
Mix 4-5 grams per gallon of water and apply to plants every 5-7 days.
FloraFlex Foliars promote vigorous plant growth by providing essential elements directly to the plants exterior through the stomata and epidermis.

V1 & V2
First Mix V1 in your water source, allow it to completely dissolve. Then add V2.
Depending on your desired EC use 1-2 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water (1-2 grams per gallon)
Add V1 and then V2 to your water source throughout the entire vegetative stage.
At lower dosages V1 and V2 can be used as a base along with other additives.

B1 & B2
First Mix B1 in your water source, allow it to completely dissolve. Then add B2.
Depending on your desired EC use 1-3 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water (1-3 grams per gallon)
Add B1 and then B2 to your water source throughout the entire flowering stage.
At lower dosages B1 and B2 can be used as a base along with other additives.

Full Tilt
Add Full Tilt to your water source after other inputs (B1 and/or B2) are completely dissolved
3-5 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water (3-5 grams per gallon)
Use for the last two weeks of fertilized feedings of flowering stage.

Floraflex Bulky B 1lb



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    Phone : +6680-086-9865



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